Curriculum Intent
Our English curriculum aims to give students the confidence to see themselves as readers and writers in their daily lives, while also providing them with the knowledge to be critical thinkers of texts.
Pupil intent
“I can read different types of text for information and for enjoyment. I can write academically and functionally in my daily life. I know how to extract information from texts critically so that I understand the deeper context of the text.”
Functional Skills: English
Curriculum Intent
Our Functional Skills English curriculum is firmly rooted in the belief that literacy is the foundation of lifelong learning. We aim to develop confident communicators who can read, write, speak, and listen effectively in real-world contexts. The curriculum is adapted to engage students of varying abilities and to address gaps in their learning, supporting them in working towards qualifications that will enhance their future opportunities.
Pupil intent
“I will develop the skills to communicate clearly, confidently, and effectively in real-life situations, helping me achieve my goals and succeed in life.”